Pieter Haesaert - Chief Executive Officer

My commitment to customs managers is unwavering: I vow to shift the role of customs from cost centre to strategic player. This will finally give customs professionals the opportunity to contribute to their full potential, and for global organisations to realise the immense impact fluid, efficient, and automated customs and trade can have on growth.

4 Challenges of Claiming Preferential Origin and How Customs Software Overcomes Them

When there is a free trade agreement (FTA) between countries, the parties who have signed the agreement can claim tariff benefits that result in lower or zero duty rates. Claiming preference can save importers a lot of money and can give exporters a distinct competitive advantage when selling their products internationally. Yet preferential origin management is often considered an insurmountable task for companies, so much so that many leave money on the table rather than trying to tackle the difficulties of claiming preference.